We are delighted to share with the community that we have successfully accomplished Milestone 2 of the Proposal 46. We have recorded a video showcasing the related features and processes, and we warmly invite everyone to explore these by visiting HashKey DID. We eagerly await the product launch.
Proposal link: https://irishub.iobscan.io/#/gov/proposals/46
Video Link:
- 00:00 Issuer management: Create Contract
- 01:29 Create Credential
- 06:36 Isuuer Space
- 07:15 Credential managment
- 10:20 Users claim credentials
Phase1: [Status: DONE]
Development of HashKey DID on IRISnet:
- DID registration contract on IRISnet, functionalities for displaying and querying DID information.;
- DID crosschain contract on IRISnet;
- User identity registration and management system, Web3 profile, OpenAPI documents.
Phase2: [Status: DONE]
Development of OST service on IRISnet base on ERC-721 protocol. Functionalities of OST service:
- OST service (issue and management OST contract/ OST);
- OST rule configuration system(Verify DID or NFTs on IRISnet,Verify other rules like white list);
- Front-end interactive interface for users claim OST.
Phase2: [Status: IN PROGRESS] [Deadline:Dec26, 2023]
- Completing the security audit of the smart contract and releasing the final product;
- Alongside ongoing community management and promotion for interaction within the IRISnet network.